UPDATE: Cell Tower Siting at Palm Harbor Golf Course
We are sincerely appreciative to Mayor Holland and Councilmen Branquiho, Klufas, Danko, and Barbosa for their unanimous 5-0 vote not to locate the 150 ft. Cellular Tower at the Palm Harbor Golf Course (PHGC). According to the Palm Coast Observer,”…Holland then motioned to reject the Palm Harbor Golf Club location and the proposed lease with tower company Diamond Communications, removing the golf club site from the city’s Wireless Master Plan list of potential tower locations.”
We are also grateful to S. Brent Spain, Esquire of Theriaque & Spain who represented Protect Palm Coast, LLC and several surrounding neighborhoods (Covington Park, The Oaks and Cole Place residents) in our legal response and objection to the PHGC Diamond Tower V Lease Agreement. The ProtectPalmCoast, LLC Team included Col (Ret) James Challenger, Tiffany McCoy, Dennis and Janet McDonald, Chris and Polly Minhall, Will Furry, Alana Fitzgerald, Mike McGuire, Tony Milidantri, Jeff Taylor, Celia Puglisi, Mary Thomas, Andy Barr, Jim and Gail Eldredge, Lee David, Lou and Debra Vitale. We express our appreciation to others not included on this list for their support and commitment.
Finally, PPC recommended a suitable alternative vacant City Property to relocate the 150 ft. Cellular Tower on Palm Harbor Parkway SE (12 acre parcel ID 41-11-31-0000-01010-0060 GPS coordinates 29°33’24.17″N -81°11’59.81″W) with good accessibility, utility support (power, fiber, communications, etc.), and 1000 ft. separation to the nearest residential properties.
The Palm Harbor Golf Course (PHGC) "Great Bait & Switch"
Who moved the 150 ft. Cellular Tower 2017 Master Plan Location (Red) SW ~660 ft. away from the Proposed November 2019 JDI 50 Town House
Development Project and The Green Lion Cafe to the PHGC Maintenance Area (Yellow) within 300 ft. of Covington Park and Cole Place properties???
Who Approved The Change? And Why?
Diamond Communications LLC
Vision for Palm Coast
The Palm Coast City Council voted on December 15, 2020 to table the vote for siting a 150 Ft. cell tower at Palm Harbor Golf Course. After much push back from local residents, due to the incorrect geographical coordinates in Coverage Area 7 (refer Wireless Master Plan), council will now vote on January 19, 2021.
The new 150 ft. high monopole Cellular Tower will include up to four (4) cell carriers and be located next to the maintenance building. Residents are concerned.

Local News Articles
- Fifth New Cell Tower in 2 Years, at Palm Harbor Golf Club, Draws Less Than Beaming Reception – December 8, 2020
- Palm Coast Would Turn Over Its Cell Towers To Contractor Even as New Law Revamps Landscape – May 2, 2017
- Nick Klufas, Palm Coast City Council Candidate: The Live Interview – August 6, 2020
- Complaints of Poor Cell Reception in Palm Coast Shift to Complaints About New Towers’ Health Risks, But on Slim Evidence – August 13, 2019
Please see diagram below and listen to audio clip from City Council Workshop meeting on Tuesday, 8 December 2020.
Lease and construction of proposed cell tower will be within 250-400 ft. of residents in Covington Park, The Oaks, and Cole Place. Residents with property contiguous to the Palm Harbor Gold Course did not receive written notification, of proposed cell tower siting, by The City of Palm Coast..
Email notification was sent to City Council on December 8, 2020 asking that a decision of the cell tower siting be postponed until January 2021 since residents with contiguous property did not receive notification of Workshop Agenda Item #4.
The City Council did not notify the homeowners about this meeting to give us sufficient time to form a response. Giving us 3 or 4 days isn’t very much time.
It should be noted that erecting a 150 ft. high Cellular Tower populated with multiple antennas (up to four carriers) adversely impacts the resale values of nearby homes besides generating increased RF human exposure risks especially considering the latest 5G communication issues.
The Natioal Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy’s survey, “Neighborhood Cell Towers & Antennas – Do They Impact a Property’s Desirability?”, found that: 94% said a nearby cell tower or group of antennas would negatively impact interest in a property or the price they would be willing to pay for it and 79% said under no circumstances would they ever purchase or rent a property within a few blocks of a cell tower or antennas. Furthermore, 57% had previously experienced cognitive effects from radiation emitted by a cell phone, wireless router, portable phone, utility smart meter, or neighborhood antenna or cell tower.
- Palm Coast plans for new cell tower at Palm Harbor Golf Club
- 5G Health Risks; The War Between Technology and Human Beings
- Cellco Partnership et al v. Fairfax County, Virginia et al, No. 1:2015cv00002 – Document 79 (E.D. Va. 2015)
- Cell Phone Towers. What Distance is Safe to Live?
- How to Easily Boost Your Cell Phone Signal at Home
- Cell Tower Radiation – 6/27/19 (video)