Bald Eagles


On March28, 2019, my daughter Jessica videotaped Bald Eagles that were nesting in the area outlined with the red circle.  Other individuals, in the community, are also reporting similar sightings.

While the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service removed the Bald Eagle from the federal endangered species list in 2007, the Bald Eagle is our national symbol and it’s habitat should be preserved.

3 thoughts on “Bald Eagles”

  1. Received an email on Nov. 13, 2019 from Glen Murray who lives in Club House Cove. This is the email:

    American bald eagles nesting on golf course

    Good evening Lou,
    Just a little information for you and the cause to stop the development at the golf course. I was golfing this afternoon when I noticed a pair of American bald eagles nesting in a tree between the driving range and the 18th fairway. Judging by the size of the nest so far, it looks like they have been there for quite some time. Just thought you might like to know this info , if you don’t already know it, just in case they may think of having this tree cut down.

    Thanks for all your effort,

    Glen Murray

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